Sunday, February 20, 2011

♥Stirring the mind

Meet one of my best friends. We like to discuss things, feel free to participate:

me: my friend in my English class is saying that porn is arguably art
3:38 PM Adam: It could be argued. Not all sex on film is porn. But not all sex is art.
3:39 PM me: So true, where do you think the line is?
3:40 PM Adam: Seeing actual intercourse for more then 1 second.
3:41 PM me: but what if that is part of the film, and it isn't meant to arouse you?
  I'm playing devil's advocate.
3:46 PM Adam: Like rape? Well it all depends on your end goal. If you wanted to show intamacy of the act and it was appropriate for the story I see no problem with it. Take, for example, the movie "The Antichrist" with william defoe. It starts with a sex(see everything) scene. But while this is happening we see their kid playing by the window unsupervised and he falls to his death. Showing how baser human actiivities destroy relationships
3:48 PM Well how they can be destructive. Its quite a visually stunning scene...they throw some slow-mow into it...quite interesting.
3:49 PM Also think about spartacus on showtime. Yes it maybe softcore porn but the sex makes sense in the roman world and its seen as a type of motivating power. Thats how it was in the roman society.
3:50 PM Its hard to play the devils advocate when I'm so liberal with the subject!
3:51 PM me: hahaha
  I would say diplomatic...
3:52 PM Well then at what point does it become porn?
 Adam: Haha!
3:53 PM When the only artistic value it has is to arouse and intice baser passions with no other meaning.
3:54 PM Its usually porn if the boobs are bigger then the girl's head and the scene last more then 2 min...maybe 1:30...and if she's obviously not an actress!
 me: hahaha
 Adam: Haha
3:55 PM me: anything else you want to to debate
3:56 PM Adam: Whatever you'd like! Haha
3:57 PM me: How do you feel about social media?
3:58 PM Adam: Like twitter?
 me: yea and facebook
3:59 PM Adam: I think it is a momentous technological advancement in communication. However like all tech it can destroy lives. It should suppliment our lives not rule it.
4:00 PM me: how do you think it is affecting the rising generation?
  what do you think is a resolution? will be asked to take this survey again in 1 mth
4:02 PM oh and you're writing my paper
4:03 PM Adam: Its all they know. So it makes immediategratification a much bigger problem psychologically. Our search for progressiveness forces us to give up traditionalism. Its hard to have both because soon people like us who have had both tradition and progressivness won't be so many and our perspective will be lost. Kids will only see it in movies.
4:04 PM Kinda like us and the old west
4:06 PM me: I've actually thought about that, but technically to me whats being lost is a sense of self and privacy, there is, psychologically, something within a person that changes. We are seeing more and more teens committing suicide because of something that has been said on a social media site, they don't realize you can't just take it back.
  Its making us emotionally stupid.
  geesh ppl can argue google is making us stupid
4:11 PM Adam: Valid point. I think the ability to cope has been affected. We no longer get drunk over what gets said and we feel we have to do something more public like suicide so that people notice us. Only problem is your dead!
4:16 PM me: Agreed, we are losing sincerity.
  and face to face interation
 Adam: Yeah
 me: I have mixed feelings about social media
 Adam: Yeah?
4:18 PM me: I think parents are really who need to be educated
 Adam: Yup!
 me: They are the ones that utimately can control whether or not kids get on facebook
 Adam: They don't understand the power internet can have on kids.
4:19 PM me: For sure, you can't just let your kid go, there needs to be guidelines
 Adam: Yup
 me: and standards set, otherwise you might as well just set your kid on the side of the road in harlem and say go!
4:20 PM Essentially...mentally that is what you are doing to them
  I feel kind of passionate about this...
  so its my new persuasive essay
 Adam: Yup! Its dangerous!

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