Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Giving voice♥

So I have decided to journal my thoughts and discoveries in blog format. Or in other words, I'm joining the blog nation. I'm not good at writing so don't expect something spectacular. But if you're looking for a new perspective...well mainly mine, you'll enjoy.
 I recently found the site TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) by watching my new favorite show...'The Buried Life'. The site is becoming a voice for people with depression and such issues. Giving a forum and outlet. I like it. The story of how this started is beautiful I encourage you all to read it. You can find it right here. And because I like this cause and shirts...I decided to combine the two!

helps start the conversation
I would hope that I'm the type of person that if anyone ever needed to talk or was having a hard time with these issues that they would be able to speak to me. I know I have confided in some of those who are close to me and I am so grateful to those people for their support and love on the days I'm down on myself and frustrating.  Love you guys. :)

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